Gay police officers face homophobia from Christians and Muslims

Gay police officers are facing “faith based” homophobia from colleagues, the Gay Police Association (GPA) claims.
The GPA claims that its 24-hour help line has received a 75 per cent increase in calls and warns that much of this is caused by homophobia from Christian and Muslim officers.
Vic Codling, the GPA’s national co-ordinator told Police Review that there were 14 cases last year of so-called “faith based” homophobia. He claimed that incidents included religious officers refusing to work with gay colleagues and the removal of gay officers from equality groups.
Mr Codling told the magazine that senior officers were unsure of what action to take. He claimed that the Christian Police Association bars members who are practising homosexuality.
However, a spokesman for the Christian Police Association told Police Review: “It is certainly not a condition of membership and we do not ask anyone their sexual orientation when they apply.”