700 gay weddings in London since December

700 gay couples from London have tied the knot in civil partnerships since the introduction of civil partnerships during December of last year.
A further 500 London couples are expected to hold gay weddings over February.
The City of Westminster appears to be the most popular with couples with 38 weddings having already taken place with a futher 230 expected over the next few months.
Westminster superintendent registrar Alison Cathcart told the Evening Standard: “We are registering an average of three civil partnerships a day. Westminster’s Council House is the most popular venue, but others such as Claridge’s and The Ritz are also popular.”
Businesses across the capital have begun to cash in on the ‘pink pound’ worth an estimated £70bn annually.
John Lewis became the first department store to offer gay wedding lists, long before the change in the law last year.
Over the past few weeks, they have seen requests for gay wedding lists increase by some 238 per cent.