US education to include homosexuality

School districts around the USA are experiencing opposition to a new health curriculum that includes teaching about gay issues.
The schools describe it as making the curriculum more modern and expanding diversity education to stave off homophobic assualts like gay-bashing.
However, David Parker, the father of a 5-year-old at an elementary school in Massachusetts, called the move an advance for the “homosexual agenda.”
The Christian Science Monitor reported that Mr Parker and supporters have picketed school board meetings since his son was given a book, “Who’s in a Family?” to read, which included information on same-sex households.
The state is currently considering boosting health education to the same level as more academic subjects such as maths and science.
Jeffrey Moran, the author of “Teaching Sex,” said socially conservative groups are using same-sex topics as a way to force sex education out of schools.
Laura Tully, spokeswoman for Lexington Community Action for Responsible Education and Safety, said there are plenty of students from same sex households so it is disrespectful to criticise the book.