Paedophile raped boy he met in gay chatroom

A 27 year old paedophile posed as a teenager in a gay chat room to rape a 14 year old boy.
Luton Crown Court was told that John Lloyd indecently assaulted the boy in his own bed after grooming him on the internet and convincing the parents he was 15. He was jailed for eight years.
The boy’s 56-year-old mother, who cannot be identified, told the Mirror: “This monster has ruined our lives. He’s devious, callous, manipulative and an incredible actor.”
“We accepted him in our home. I can’t believe he had the cheek. This has been a tough lesson. Parents need to be aware of the dangers of the net.”
His 58-year-old father added: “We never suspected Lloyd was an adult. He didn’t have stubble or a deep voice. He wore a baseball cap and pretended to be very naive.”
“But we never left them alone and ensured they slept in separate rooms.”
The boy used an under-25s gay chat room with his parents’ knowledge after coming out.
He became in touch with Lloyd who had just completed four months in jail for possessing 400 indecent images of children.
Lloyd used the name Gary Connors and said he was 15, deliberately made spelling mistakes in messages and claimed his parents were strict about his use of the computer. After two weeks, he persuaded his victim to meet him. The youngster’s parents agreed, but only if they were present.
The mum, of Hemel Hempstead, Herts, said: “We didn’t want to take chances as we didn’t know him. We picked him up from the station and took them both out for the day. Then we cooked him tea and let him stay over.”
Another meeting at the boy’s home was arranged. While the parents slept, Lloyd savagely abused his victim.
During his stay at the house he drew a picture of the 14-year-old with his hair standing on end, shouting “Arrrghh!”. Curiously he signed it “J Lloyd”, not “Connors”, though giving his age as 15.
It proved his downfall, providing police with vital evidence. The parents believe it was his “calling card”.
The parents noticed a change in their son after Lloyd disappeared. The mother said: “He sunk into depression and missed a lot of school. We thought he was being bullied.
“Three months later he told us what had happened and said he was scared he might be infected. Luckily he was clear. He told us he’d phoned Lloyd, and the father answered the phone saying he’d gone out. When our son asked how old Lloyd was, the dad said 27. That’s when he realised. We called police the next day, showed them emails and Lloyd was arrested.
“We couldn’t let him get away with it as we knew he’d do it again. We don’t want any child or parents to go through what we have. It’s been a nightmare.”
The mum added: “No matter how many precautions you take, paedophiles will find how to worm their way into their victims’ lives.”
“Don’t let your kids use chat rooms, it’s the worst thing you can do. We feel so guilty. But we did all we could.”
The boy has been receiving counselling since the incident in late 2003.
Lloyd, of Bletchley, Bucks, was jailed at Luton crown court last week. He was sentenced to four and a half years for a serious indecent assault and three and a half years for possessing indecent images of children at “the worst end of the scale”.
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