Nigerian President heads to America amid homophobic law debate
As more than 20 human rights groups voice concerns about the new homophobic laws in Nigeria, it’s President prepares to take a holiday.
Olusegun Obasanjo, the now president, ex dictator of Nigeria will be visiting America, where he hopes to hob nob with George Bush.
The new homophobic laws, which are heavily influenced by Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), will make homosexual practises an offence punishable by a 5 year prison sentence. The head of The NIACIA, Doctor Lateef Adegbite said that he was “delighted with the legislation that has made it an illegal practice and a punishable offence in Nigeria. We support the action of government.” His organisation’s aim is to persuade governments to make the strict Muslim code of Shari’ah national law.
Doctor Adgebite, who has published the books “Human Rights in Nigeria” and “The Concept of the Rule of Law in African Societies”, said in a web chat that passing the laws was: “a commendable thing to do.” He went on to emphasise that “passing a legislation is not just good enough. We should be vigilant in monitoring the lifestyles of our people and their relationships to ensure that such practices are exposed in Nigeria and that offenders get their due punishment.”
Doctor Adgebite’s views on heterosexual contact were revealed to be as extreme as his views on homosexual contact. In a live web chat his disapproval of gay people was palpable, and his views on heterosexual people meeting were only slightly less extreme. “The ban on women riding motorcycles driven by men is certainly in order,” he told chatters. “Islam forbids mingling of sexes in public.” America’s motorcycle taxi drivers better be on their guard.