Gay radio station hits airwaves with pride

A lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) radio station has hit the airwaves in Manchester, coinciding with the city’s pride festival this weekend.
The organisers of “Gaydio” intend for the station to have its first broadcast this week and to go on for a fortnight.
Programme controller, Toby Whitehouse, said “There’s so much going on in the Gay Village over the Summer; there is a real buzz. We wanted to create something that would compliment that, allowing people to feel really in touch with all that’s going on and contribute to that buzz”
Gaydio will operate as a community project and organisers are keen for the whole community to get involved.
Ian Wallace, Gaydio project manager said “A project of this scale will obviously demand a great deal of financial support. The project will be a first for Manchester, and the UK, so the exposure and benefits for supporters will be huge”
They are also working closely with the gay night on the Citizen Manchester programme which is broadcast on the city’s BBC Radio station.
Manchester Pride runs from this Friday until the 28 August 2006.