Police use Gaydar to reach Brighton’s LGBT community

Brighton and Hove Police have come up with a novel way of communicating with the gay community.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) liaison police officers in the city have created profiles on the popular Gaydar websites as a new method for residents to report hate crime or obtain advice.
Sergeant Mark Andrews, an LGBT Community police officer, is confident about the new initiative, he said: “We are always trying to think of new ways to encourage the LGBT community to report incidents to us using methods which are familiar, simple and welcoming.
“It is hoped this new initiative will enable members of gaydar who do not wish to use other means of contacting the police another alternative way to ask the police advice and make initial contact when wanting to report hate related incidents.”
The account will be regularly checked and managed by officers on the Kemptown policing team.
The initiative is part of the police plan to make it as easy as possible for the LGBT community to communicate with the police in a simple and welcoming way. The profile names have been set up as
gaydar.co.uk/villagepolicing and gaydargirls.com/villagepolicing