Ex-lover kills newly-out lesbian girlfriend

A man killed and almost decapitated his newly-out girlfriend, a court heard today.
James Seaton, 46, killed Jacqueline Queen at his flat and then enlisted the help of his brother John, 37, to dispose of her body.
The body, wrapped in bed sheets, was later found by a dog walker in East Finchley, North London, last November.
Mr Seaton told the court how he had become ‘besotted’ with Miss Queen, 39, but how she was the dominant partner in a fiery relationship.
The sequence of tragic events began when in September last year Mr Seaton reported to a community support officer that Miss Queen had run off with her lesbian lover. Miss Queen later told Mr Seaton that she was happy with her girlfriend and wanted him to stop contacting her.
Mr Seaton, according to prosecutor Brian Altman, ‘simply refused to believe it’ and attacked Miss Queen with a hammer and a knife in the lounge of his London flat. A knife wound to her neck severed an artery and cut through her spinal chord.
Seaton has admitted killing Miss Queen but claims he was suffering from an abnormality of mind at the time. He claims that she threatened him with a knife.
The trial continues.