Canadian postmen stand up to gay-hate mail

Postmen in Vancouver, Canada have been threatened with disciplinary actions after refusing to deliver a pamphlet that stated “The Plague of this 21st Century: The Consequences of the sin of Homosexuality (AIDS)” writes the Toronto Star.
The homophobic propaganda was produced by the Fundamentalist Baptist Mission in Waterford, Ontario and was called the “Prophetic Word”.
Many of the workers even refused to touch the pamphlets, Canadian Union of Postal Workers spokesman, Ken Mooney described the leaflets as “really offensive” and “hate mail.”
Postal bosses were adamant that their employees would have to carry the material, refusing to accept or even to question the issue of distributing hateful material. Colleen Frick, Canada Post spokesperson told the Toronto Star; “It will be delivered at some point in the next two days,” she said, explaining that the corporation has three days to deliver ad mail from the time it arrives at the depot.
“The posties don’t have the right to refuse to deliver the mail,” she said, “The contract between the corporation and the union requires them to deliver mail the corporation deems acceptable. “And this item was deemed such.”