Gay nativity scene not all it seems

Rightwing students at the University of Texas have created a novel Nativity scene, with a gay couple called Gary and Joseph standing in for the Holy Family.
The Young Conservatives group at the university’s Austin campus have created the alternative scene to protest at what they perceive to be anti-Christian bias.
The focus of their anger is the American Civil Liberties Union, long a bogey man of the American right.
The ACLU has recenlty angered members of the gay community by backing protests by anti-gay Christian groups at the funerals of soldiers.
“The idea is to bring attention to the ACLU and also to bring attention to the issue of taking down nativity scenes during the christmas season or trying to silence you know, the word Christ and the word Christmas,” Tony McDonald of the Young Conservatives of Texas told KVUE TV.
The group chose Lenin, Marx and Stalin as the Three Wise Men. The festive scene is completed by two angels, one of whom is Democratic Speaker of the House-elect Nancy Pelosi, the other a terrorist.
The ACLU has taken the whole protest in their stride: “I think it’s fairly festive,’ said ACLU executive director Will Harrell. “We want to make sure they have a right to freely exercise their First Amendment right. But keep in mind, nothing in the First Amendment requires that you be accurate about the information. The First Amendment protects parody as well.”