Sir Ian to launch LGBT History Month

Actor and activist Sir Ian McKellen will be the featured speaker at the launch of LGBT History Month next month.
The launch will form part of the annual Schools Out conference, on Saturday 3rd February at the Drill Hall theatre in London.
Schools Out is one of the oldest gay campaigning groups in the UK.
It was founded in 1974 to campaign for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality in education.
In 2005, they launched LGBT History Month, their first major project after the repeal of Section 28.
The History Month seeks to reclaim the position of LGBT people in the curriculum and in wider society.
Schools Out co-chair Paul Patrick was delighted that the Lord of the Rings star had agreed to appear.
“Sir Ian is already a major figure in LGBT history and we’re honoured that he can join us at the launch of History Month,” he told
The conference is open to all. Other speakers include Tim Sigsworth (Albert Kennedy Trust), Claire Anderson (NUS), Persia West (trans activist), Robert Beattie (DfES), a panel of trade unionists and many more.
Entertainment will be provided by the UK’s first out lesbian singer/rapper Mz Fontaine.
The conference fees are on a scale from £28 to £45, including lunch. Booking details are available on, or by phoning Sue Sanders on 020 7635 0476.