Brian Paddick on Elton, cruising and his partner

The Lib Dem candidate for Mayor of London has spoken to about his friendship with Sir Elton John and David Furnish.
Earlier today it was revealed that the international star and his film producer partner hosted a dinner where they introduced Brian Paddick to potential donors to his campaign.
“I have met David probably on twenty or more occasions, and we have had dinner together alone on a number of occasions,” Mr Paddick told
“Particularly if you are feeling low, the tonic is to have dinner with David Furnish.
“He makes you feel very special. He is a real smooth talker.
“Elton I have met on about half a dozen occasions. The thing that comes across is how remarkably human he is. He is a great showman, but when he is off stage, he is a really genuine guy.”
Mr Paddick also discussed his own relationship during the interview, saying his partner has “mixed feelings” about his run for office.
The former senior police officer wants as far as possible to protect him from the limelight.
“He is already having his leg pulled by friends,” he said.
“One right wing newspaper is, I think, delving away hoping he is going to turn out to be a 19-year-old rent boy.
“If they do identify him and catch up with him they are going to be greatly disappointed in terms of news worthiness.
“I have, by running for political office, decided to some extent give up some of my privacy.
“I can’t walk down the road anymore or get on a bus or a tube without people coming up to me.
“But my partner should make that decision for himself, whether he wants to give up his privacy in that way.”
Londoners will vote for a new Mayor on May 1st.
Incumbent Ken Livingstone is running for a third term as a Labour candidate.
Henley MP Boris Johnson is the Conservative candidate. Sian Berry is standing for the Greens.
Mr Paddick was chosen last year by Lib Dem London members as their candidate.
Until his retirement in May he was a Metropolitan Police Assistant Deputy Commissioner and the highest-ranking out gay officer in the country.
He told that in his 30 years in the force he was never involved with arresting anyone for cruising.
“In the time that I was a constable, there were so many judges and MPs and other prominent people being caught in public toilets that the bosses at Scotland Yard had to issue a special instruction, that unless they had written authority from the bosses they couldn’t carry out surveillance operations on public toilets,” he revealed.
The interview with Brian Paddick will be published next week.