Brian Paddick tops poll

The Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of London has come top of a poll of’s London readers.
Incumbent Labour Mayor Ken Livingstone won the most first preference votes, but was overtaken by Brian Paddick when valid second preference votes were counted.
The Mayor of London is elected by the Supplementary Vote (SV) system, and used the same system to calculate which candidate won the poll.
Under SV, voters may choose a first and second choice candidate.
316 people who live in the London area took part in the poll.
The first preference votes cast were as follows:
Ken Livingstone (Labour) 119 (37.66%)
Brian Paddick (Lib Dem) 116 (36.71%)
Boris Johnson (Conservative) 42 (13.29%)
Sian Berry (Green) 32 (10.13%)
Lindsey German (Respect) 3 (0.95%)
Richard Barnbrook (BNP) 2 (0.63%)
Others 2 (0.63%)
Some of the sample did not choose a second candidate, while others chose the same candidate both times, therefore invalidating their second choice.
Just like in the Mayoral election, as no candidate received more than half of the first choice votes, the two candidates with the most first choice votes go through to a second stage.
All the other candidates are eliminated but the second choice votes on their ballot papers are reviewed.
If their second choice vote is for either of the top two candidates these votes are added to their totals.
The valid second preference votes were as follows:
Ken Livingstone (Labour) 14 (4.43%)
TOTAL 133 (42.09%)
Brian Paddick (Lib Dem) 32 (10.13%)
TOTAL 148 (46.83%)
Therefore Lib Dem candidate Brian Paddick emerged as the victor in our poll.
Among readers who chose Boris Johnson as their first choice and cast a valid second preference vote, 24 chose Brian Paddick and two chose Ken Livingstone.
Among readers who chose Sian Berry as their first choice and cast a valid second preference choice, six chose Brian Paddick and ten chose Ken Livingstone. readers were also asked what party they would be voting for in the elections for the 25 member London Assembly, which will be held on the same day as the Mayoral election, Thursday May 1st.
The results were as follows:
Lib Dems 104 (32.91%)
Labour 102 (32.28%)
Conservatives 48 (15.19%)
Greens 46 (14.56%)
Respect 9 (2.85%)
BNP 4 (1.27%)
Others 3 (0.95%)
The Mayor of London poll took place between 15th February and 18th February. 316 readers who registered with a London postcode had their preferences recorded.