GMFA lose contract for HIV prevention ads
A radical overhaul of National Health Service-funded HIV prevention services for gay men in London has seen a number of programmes shift from GMFA to Terrence Higgins Trust.
GMFA, a gay health charity founded in 1992, has lost the contract for London advertising campaigns, which will now be delivered by THT.
THT also gained a part of the group work contract. The charity already holds the contract for providing advertising campaigns on a national basis.
GMFA had over the last fourteen years provided courses for more than 10,000 gay men and group work interventions in London and across England and Wales.
GMFA did win the contract to produce small media resources, such as postcards and booklets.
Matthew Hodson of GMFA told
“We’re really pleased that our websites, which provide information to over 20,000 individuals each month, have been commissioned again.
“We’ve got some exciting plans over the next few years to make our sites even more accessible and interactive, including a video-clip demonstrating the correct way to put on a condom and a platform for men to submit their own sexual health questions.
“We’re also pleased to continue with our popular ‘fit and sexy’ magazine, FS.
“We’ll be printing more copies of each issue so that even more men will be able to get hold of a copy.
“And we’re excited about the opportunity to produce a range of postcards and leaflets.”
Mr Hodson said he was pleased that funding for GMFA’s stop smoking courses for gay men, which have some of the highest success rates in the country, will continue.
“I also hope that we will be able to find funding for some of our other work, such as the highly respected gay men’s assertiveness course, and our self defence courses for gay men,” he said.
“We have also recently started work on a new project that is designed to address some of the health inequalities that are experienced by black gay men and we hope to be able to continue with our work for gay men living with HIV.”