CNN reporter returns to work after drug bust

A kinky CNN reporter who was arrested in Central Park in April with meth in his pocket and a sex toy in his boot is finally back at work.
Richard Quest, who was busted for loitering in the park after hours, took a trip to jail after police discovered drugs on his person an a rope tied around his genitals.
Sentenced to drug counselling for six months, Quest has finally returned to work after going through a rehab programme.
According to, Quest filed a news report for CNN about the airline industry on July 3, marking his first assignment for the media conglomerate since his arrest.
Quest, an International correspondent for CNN, recently completed a two-month stint in rehab as a result of his arrest.
Before his bust in Central Park, Quest hosted CNN’s Business Traveller on CNNI.
While he was in rehab, the program continued with guest hosts Andrew Stevens in May and Adrian Finighan in June and July.
Quest will reportedly resume his hosting duties for the show in August, according to a report on and working on other travel assignments for the network.
Quest’s first report since his arrest was filed on July 3 and features a story on the British Airways acquisition of a small French airline operating business-class-only flights. The video can be viewed here.
Police said they arrested Quest on April 18 after he and another man were spotted inside Central Park after park closing hours.
Quest was first busted for loitering, but after being searched, was found to be carrying a small quantity of methamphetamines.
Authorities also found a sex toy in the reporter’s boot and a rope around his neck that was strangely tied to his genitals.
Quest was taken to jail and charged with loitering and criminal possession of a controlled substance.
The man he was seen with was served with a summons for not carrying any identification.
At the time, Quest’s lawyers said the journalist did not realise the park was closed and was just “returning to his hotel with friends,” according to the New York Post.
According to The Guardian, Quest reportedly once turned down an offer for a position with al-Jazeera’s English language channel because he felt “being gay and Jewish might not be suitable.”
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