Haggard rent boy refuses second lie detector test

He’s already failed one lie detector test, and Mike Jones, the escort who claims to have had a three year business relationship with US evangelical preacher Ted Haggard, says he’s not going to go down that road again—even if there is a half-million dollar offer on the table.
According to TowleRoad.com, Jones was offered $500,000 to appear on the FOX reality series Moment of Truth, where contestants are strapped to a lie detector test to tell the truth about some aspect of their lives in front of America.
“It would be a ratings bonanza if I went on,” Jones said, according to TowleRoad.com.
“But I volunteered to take a polygraph test when my story first broke, and I flunked it, so those things can happen. I’m not going to humiliate myself on national TV. And who needs $500,000 anyway? I could use $1,000.”
Jones submitted to his first test just after he came clean about his relationship with the evangelical preacher.
He failed that test, but the administrator said he doubted the test’s validity given the tremendous amount of stress and lack of sleep Jones was under.
Jones had been working as a masseuse when his alleged relationship with Haggard began.
At the time, Jones said Haggard told him a fantasy of his was “to have sex with about 6 young college guys ranging from 18 to 22 in age.”
Following the accusations—including Haggard’s confession to purchasing and using methamphetamines with escorts—the preacher entered three weeks of reparative therapy, now claiming to have been cured of his homosexual leanings.
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