Gay rights on the agenda at party conferences
Leading MPs from all three major parties will be speaking about gay issues at their conferences later this month.
Anyone will be able to attend meetings organised by gay equality group Stonewall at the Lib Dem and Conservative conferences.
Because the venue at the Labour conference is within the security zone only pass holders will be able to attend.
At the Liberal Democrat conference Lynne Featherstone, the party’s equalities spokesperson, will be joined by Lord Rennard, Sarah Ludford MEP and Stonewall’s Ben Summerskill.
The meeting, on Monday 15 September from 6 to 8pm in the Wessex Hotel Bournemouth, will be chaired by Jen Yockney of Lib Dem gay group DELGA.
Two out government ministers, Angela Eagle and Ben Bradshaw, will speak at the Labour party conference event on Monday 22nd September at Charter 4 in Manchester Central.
The meeting begins at 6pm and the Leader of the House of Lords, Baroness Ashton, Mr Summerskill for Stonewall and Simon Wright for LGBT Labour will also be on the panel.
It is hoped that Harriet Harman, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, will also attend.
Three of the leading lights of the Conservative party will be at Jury’s Inn in Birmingham on Tuesday 30th September from 12.30pm.
Chair Andrew Pierce, deputy editor of The Daily Telegraph, will be joined by Shadow Secretary of State for Justice Nick Herbert, prospective MPs Nick Boles and Margot James, and Ben Summerskill.
Wine and refreshments served at each event.