Gay “cure” policeman’s employment tribunal backed by Christians

A Christian policeman who was sacked after he sent emails at work suggesting homosexualityis sinful is to take Norfolk Police to an employment tribunal.
Complaints against former constable Graham Cogman stem back to 1995 when a gay colleague sent emails round to staff encouraging them to support Gay History Month by wearing a pink ribbon.
In response to this PC circulated emails quoting the Bible, suggesting homosexual sex was sinful.
He was sent to a disciplinary tribunal who fined him 13 days pay and barred him from using the internal messaging system.
Despite the ban, PC Cogman posted a link to an American Christian helpline that offers to “cure” gay people.
He was dismissed following a disciplinary hearing in November.
The former officer is backed by the Police Federation, the organisation representing rank and file police officers.
The Christian Legal Centre is also supporting his employment tribunal. It has intervened in several “test cases” involving gay issues, such as Gary McFarlane, a relationships counsellor who claimed he was discriminated against because he did not want to deal with gay couples.
Norfolk Police spokesman Anne Campbell said the case was not about Mr Cogman’s beliefs but about his behaviour.