Stonewall “deeply concerned” by homophobic reporting of adoption story

Britain’s leading gay equality organisation has said that the coverage of a gay adoption story “goes into new areas of nastiness.”
The Daily Mail has been reporting on the case of a drug addict who had her children taken away from her.
They are to be adopted by a gay couple.
The children’s grandparents hoped to adopt them but social services decided they were not suitable.
The grandparents, aged 59 and 46, claim that they were refused because they are too old and have serious health conditions.
Mail columnist Amanda Platell used the case to attack gay people as inferior parents.
“It appears that social services, despite all the evidence to the contrary, still believe that all relationships are equal when it comes to raising children,” she wrote.
“Indeed, in this case they seem to have decided that a gay relationship is preferable to a couple of opposite sex.
“This is simply not true.
“They are not equal when it comes to the things children need most – commitment and stability.
“Yet is is regarded as heretical even to state the facts: which are that marriages last longer than cohabiting heterosexual relationships and they both last longer than gay relationships.
“Those are the cold, bare truths.
“It is too soon to know the statistics on same-sex marriages as there has not been enough time to assess the trends and many same sex couples enjoy enduring and truly fulfilling relationships.
“But if commitment and stability matter most to children’s happiness and success, the least suitable place for them to be raised is by a gay couple.
“That’s not homophobia, that’s not bigotry, that’s a fact – unpalatable as it might be to the Left consensus.”
A spokesperson for Stonewall said:
“We cannot comment on individual cases but all the evidence suggests that children brought up in stable and loving lesbian, gay and bisexual households do as well if not better.
“The Platell piece goes into new areas of nastiness.
“Stonewall is deeply concerned at the homophobic tone of some of this week’s coverage.
“This is a reminder that just as we advance lesbian and gay equality, there are those who still seek to undermine it.”