Witness tells murder trial that gay teenager was kicked in head

A gay teenager who was allegedly beaten to death in Merseyside was called a “queer faggot” during the attack, a witness has testified.
The unnamed witness told Liverpool Crown Court that Gavin Alker, on trial for the murder, kicked victim Michael Causer and punched him at a house in Huyton.
19-year-old Alker of Fleetwood Walk, Runcorn, denies murder.
The witness told the court that Mr Causer, 18, was at the house after an all-night drinking session with the accused and others and he was attacked at least twice while he was semi-conscious.
“He (Alker) swung a fist towards him and then he was swinging a right leg,” the witness said, according to the Liverpool Post.
“Michael seemed to be agitated or upset, but after a while he went back to sleep.
“I fell asleep on the bed as well.
“I recall next waking up by the thud of the book hitting the back of the headboard.
“That’s when he pulled me off the bed and said ‘watch yourself, he’s a poof.'”
The witness said that he left the room and when he came back the accused was standing over Mr Causer, and he kicked him three times in the face.
The witness stated that Mr Causer was alive and talking when he left the house to go to work.
Richard Pratt QC, prosecuting, said: “There is, we say, an important fact in this case and indeed one which lies at the heart of it. Michael Causer was gay.
“As he was subjected to the attack which would ultimately kill him, Gavin Alker was heard to abuse him using anti-gay language, indicating clearly that Michael Causer was being attacked, and was killed, because he was gay.”
The prosecution says Alker and James O’Connor dumped Mr Causer’s body in the street after he was attacked on Friday 25th July.
He suffered serious head injuries.
Despite surgery to try to reduce swelling on his brain, Michael Causer died at 2:30pm on Saturday 2nd August.
Last month O’Connor, formerly of Huyton, but now of The Clough, The Brow, Runcorn, admitted murder.
He will be sentenced after Alker’s trial.
18-year-old Michael Binsteed of Evelyn Avenue, Prescot, has already pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice. The alleged assaults happened at his grandmother’s house.
The BBC reports: “Alker, O’Connor and Binsteed decided to dump Mr Causer in the street nearby by carrying him over a fence, Mr Pratt said.
“Binsteed later called an ambulance after seeing Mr Causer bleeding profusely from the nose and mouth, but told police the victim was attacked in the street by three random men.”