Home and Away to introduce lesbian romance

Australian soap Home and Away is set to show a lesbian relationship.
The Herald Sun reports that the storyline will see tough policewoman Charlie Buckton, played by actor Esther Anderson, falling in love with Joey Collins, played by Kate Bell, who works on a trawler.
They will be shown dancing and kissing.
Anderson, who said she had talked with gay friends in the lead-up to filming, believes young viewers will accept the scene.
She explained: “You learn pretty much everything at school. I don’t think it’s like I’m lifting the lid on something they don’t already know about.
“To me there’s no difference – love’s love.
“The fact that your partner’s the same sex is no different. You just want to be loved. She (Charlie) happens to find love with a girl.”
However, conservative family groups have voiced their anger at the show, which has a large child and teen fan base.
“They continue to market to kids heavily and they continue to develop quite sexualised plot lines,” Pro-Family Perspectives director Angela Conway said.
“The plot lines that young kids and teenagers should be presented with should be about really authentic relationships that are not just sexualised.”
In 2004, Neighbours was attacked by conservative groups when it featured a lesbian kiss between schoolgirls Lana Crawford (Bridget Neval) and Sky Mangel (Stephanie McIntosh).