Stephen Fry: ‘It doesn’t matter what you call marriage’

Stephen Fry has spoken out on gay marriage, saying it doesn’t matter what wording is used.
Speaking from California, he said: “If people want to reserve marriage for a man-woman thing then fine, call it something else.”
He continued: “A bonding, a uniting, a legal yoking – that’s fine. Yoking is a lovely word. Yoked together…”
The presenter and his partner Daniel Cohen have been together for more than ten years.
“Over the last two years in particular, I’ve hardly spent a night in England, what with one thing and another,” said Stephen.
“I’ll go back in the middle of April and there’s the QI programmes, so I’ll be more settled for a while.”
The star is currently appearing in US drama Bones as Dr Gordon Wyatt, along with filming BBC natural history programme Last Chance to See.
Meanwhile, he has told Twitter Fry that he is to provide a voiceover for the PSP version of Little Big Planet. He tweeted: “I’ve come to the end of a lush voice-athon and yes, am empowered to confess that it was for a new PSP version of Little Big Planet.”