Same-sex couples urged to hold hands in public

A new campaign aims to encourage same-sex couples to publicly and unashamedly hold hands.
A Day in Hand is asking people to upload photos of public, same-sex holding couples to their official website, register with the site and continue to spread the concept.
Celebrities and public figures have been keen to get involved, with former London Mayoral candidate Brian Paddick supporting the campaign.
Straight people are being encouraged to join in with the campaign.
The group’s founder, David Watkins said:
“We want straight people to hold hands with someone of their same gender in public, and describe how it made them feel.
“This is an inclusive event and involving straight people will support a wider understanding of this issue.
“You don’t have to be gay to object to homophobia and inequality. Hand-holding crosses gender, age, orientation and geographical borders. We want to show that LGBT people are relevant to everyone, and that we live and breathe in all communities.”
A Day In Hand will launch at XXL Club in London on May 17th, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO).