Survey to be carried out on trans domestic violence
Trans people are being invited to take part in a survey on domestic violence.
It is estimated that one in four LGBT people have experienced domestic violence – the same rate as heterosexual women – but previous research has suggested this figure may be much higher for trans people.
Denise Anderson from Spectrum London, a trans and questioning support group, said that “limited” research on the issue has suggested the rate of trans people experience domestic abuse could be as high as 64 per cent.
She added: “This is a large percentage of transgendered people, one that when presented to various organisations brings looks of surprise and alarm, because many have not encountered transgendered people contacting them for assistance.”
Spectrum London is working with LGBT domestic violence charity Broken Rainbow to consult trans people nationally in order to obtain more data on the issue. An online survey has been opened, with results to be presented in October.
Anderson said: “With increased awareness of these issues to support organisations, we hope transgendered people will feel more comfortable to be able to report issues of a domestic violence nature, knowing support is available.”
The survey is open until Septmber 1st and can be found here: