Rain at Brighton Pride ‘won’t dampen spirits’

Despite reports of rainy weather for Brighton Pride tomorrow, Pride organisers have said it will not dampen spirits.
The forecast is light rain for most of the day.
Brighton Pride trustee Geoffrey Bowden told PinkNews.co.uk: “We’re hardy fellows, we know what British weather is like. It’s never dampened spirits before.
“We have lots of tented areas and there will be umbrellas galore. It’s rained in the past but we’ve dealt with it. We expect 150,000 people to attend and we’ve already got hundreds here in campsites around the city.”
The theme for this year’s event is “Pride Beside The Seaside.”
There will be 43 community stalls, 35 exhibitors and over 100 traders in the park.
Features include a big screen with cameras positioned on the parade and the park, the return of a Pride members’ area and eight bars.
Specialist areas include the Women’s Performance tent, the Curiosity Cabaret tent and the Paul Wilde Line Dancing tent.