Israeli prime minister visits scene of gay shooting

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has visited the Tel Aviv gay youth centre where two people were killed last weekend.
Speaking today at the scene, he said the shooting bore “the markings of a terror attack”.
Two people, a 16-year-old girl and a 26-year-old man, were killed and 15 were injured when a masked gunman opened fire on the LGBT venue on Saturday.
Police are still hunting for the gunman. The prime minister assured those present the police had his support.
According to the Jerusalem Post, Netanyahu said: “We need to do this and we must bring security back into our lives. This is not just a blow to the gay-lesbian community. This is a blow to all Israeli youth and Israeli society.”
He added: “Anyone who has suffered from gratuitous hatred, as an individual or in a group, knows how painful and unacceptable it is. This is something we must uproot from society as much as possible,” he added. “I think Israeli society has made progress towards tolerance, and I hope and feel certain that we can make further progress.”
The event was closed to the media. It was the first time an Israeli prime minister has visited a gay organisation.