Russia’s newest LGBT support group to focus on education and health
A new organisation that aims to develop social services for LGBT people has been formed in Moscow.
LGBT Organisation Assistance was founded by gay rights activist Vyacheslav Revin.
“The necessity of an organisation which provides direct social services for homosexuals, bisexuals, transgender people and their families is long overdue,” he said.
“Unfortunately Russian nonprofits that provide social services for the local communities do not view LGBT as their target group.
“Representatives of LGBT communities are often forced to hide their sexual orientation or gender identity, so they can receive professional help.
“This negatively affects the quality of social services and LGBTs’ quality of life.
“Also lesbian, gays, bisexuals and transgender people need special services.
“A non-discriminatory approach to these people and an egalitarian, respectful attitude towards them would change the situation for better.”
The mission of LGBT Organisation Assistance is to provide support for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people who are in difficult life situation because of societal prejudice or direct discrimination on the basis of homosexuality and gender identity.