Israeli president speaks at Tel Aviv gay rally

The Israeli president, Shimon Peres, addressed tens of thousands of people at a gay solidarity rally in Tel Aviv yesterday.
Just over a week ago, two people were killed and 15 were injured when a gunman burst into an LGBT youth centre in the city.
Referring to the victims by name, Peres said: “The person who shot Nir Katz and Liz Trobishi aimed his gun at you, at me, at all of us.
“Israel will not put up with such an injustice and will not rest until the murderer is brought to trial. The bullets that hit the gay community last week hurt us all.”
Police estimates suggested 20,000 people were present at the rally in Rabin Square. Many waved rainbow flags while others carried placards bearing peace messages.
Although some bomb threats were made to organisers, the rally proceeded peacefully.
Last week, the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, visited the centre where the shooting took place.
Speaking at the scene, he said the shooting bore “the markings of a terror attack”.
Police are still hunting for the gunman.