Shadow equalities minister Theresa May to attend gay Tory conference event

Shadow equalities minister Theresa May is to be a guest at a Pride event scheduled for this year’s Conservative Party Conference.
Conference Pride will be held at Spirit Bar in the heart of Manchester’s gay village on Tuesday October 6th. It is the first time a Tory conference has included a gay event.
May commented: “I am delighted the Conservative Party is hosting this event which demonstrates we are a broad church welcoming new people every day.
“It’s vital that we represent and champion a wide range of views and I really hope events like this become a regular fixture at conferences in years to come.”
Other attendees now confirmed include Conservative Party vice chair Margot James, shadow environment secretary Nick Herbert, chief executive of Stonewall Ben Summerskill and political blogger Iain Dale.
The event will include a live performance from Angie Brown, celebrity hosts and an auction supported by Harvey Nichols and others.
It is open to anyone, not just those attending Conference Pride.
Tickets are available from