Two Washington DC students hurt in anti-gay attacks

Two students at Georgetown University, Washington DC, have reported being the victim of homophobic attacks.
The first incident happened at around 9pm last Tuesday when a female student wearing a gay rights t-shirt was confronted by two men in their late twenties. She was subjected to anti-gay insults as they pushed her to the ground and hit her with her book bag.
Around 50 students held a rally on Friday to show their support for her.
On Sunday at 1:30am, a male student was walking along 36th Street when a man with his face painted white and red began shouting homophobic abuse at him. The student was then assaulted. He had to be hospitalised after the attack.
Another vigil was held yesterday evening, with around 100 students and teaching staff in attendance.
Although both cases have been reported to police, neither victim has filed a complaint. They are being counselled by university gay groups in the hope they will file a report, which will allow police to investigate the incidents.