Gay cruisers warned after boy, 15, is propositioned

Users of a cruising and cottaging website in Bournemouth have been warned after a 15-year-old boy was propositioned in a public toilet.
The website, which has not been named, lists popular spots for gay sex in the Bournemouth and Poole areas but a local councillor has called for it to be closed down.
Cllr Claire Smith was speaking after the father of a 15-year-old boy came forward to say his son had been asked whether he was a member of the website in a toilet at Richmond Hill car park.
Ms Smith told the Bournemouth Echo: “This is absolutely disgusting, particularly as it names toilets to meet in where there are young families around. To have this degrading use of the facilities is extremely worrying.”
She added: “I would also like to warn anyone tempted to use these sites that they could end up propositioning a child and that is paedophilia – they will lose their homes, families and jobs.”
According to the newspaper, the website lists more than 50 locations in the two towns, including toilets in local supermarkets, fitness clubs and shopping centres.
Police said they had no power to close the website as it is hosted overseas.
There are no laws which specifically state that having sex in a public place is illegal but police may charge cruisers with “outraging public decency”.
This is usually reserved for persistent offenders or when activity has been viewed by members of the public.