Beauty: Is Perfect Skin All About Wrinkles?

Whereas many of us will happily spend a small fortune on shoes we’ll baulk at the price of skin care products which promise to keep our skin in its prime or, worse, merrily fall in to bed without so much of taking off our make up. Fast forward to our thirties and forties and we’re bemoaning burgeoning crows feet and sighing at our ashy, dull complexions.
Is it a future we can avoid by spending big at the Crème de la Mer counter? Or could we even promise ourselves fabulously youthful skin by just making a few tweaks to our day to day schedule? And once we’ve hit the sag and stretch is there a way back to the bouncy, taut skin of our youth?
According to top dermatologists we’re so obsessed with wrinkles and sag that we’re ignoring the things which really make a difference to the appearance of our skin. That’s right – botox and face lifts may not be the answer after all. In fact the basics of good skin lie in colour, texture and sensitivity. Concentrate on these factors and you may be able to change your skin for the better. For good.
So how do you even begin to change those factors which seem unchangeable? The key is to understanding your skin type and treating it accordingly. Many of us pick products which are totally wrong for our skin type but keep on using them on a promise of less wrinkles or a tighter jawline, ignoring the fact that they are causing irritation or are making little or no difference.
We all know the six skin types but can we be sure which we have? Here’s an easy guide:
Normal: If your skin isn’t coated in grease by mid-morning or flaking your skin is probably normal.
Oily: Oily skin is noticeably shiny with large pores and a tendency towards blackheads.
Dry: Dull, flaky skin, especially on your cheeks is a good indication of dry skin.
Combination: An oily T-zone and dry cheeks are the telltale signs of combination skin.
Mature: Mature skin is characterised by thin, delicate skin, especially around the eyes.
Sensitive: Often inflamed and easily irritated, sensitive skin easily rashes.
Pick products specific to your skin type and follow a simple routine of cleansing, toning, using an active product (AHA or beta hydroxyl acid) and adding sunscreen which is vital to the well being of your skin. Those with normal skin should avoid oil or soap based cleansers and moisturisers while oily skin types react best to water based, oil free products and combination skins may wish to use moisturisers only on their driest parts. Sensitive skins should wear at least an SPF30 year round and avoid anything fragranced, alcohol based or containing dyes.
From following this strict regime morning and night your skin will look rejuvenated, lessening the impact of any developing wrinkles or pigmentation spots and helping your skin to look younger from today well in to the future.