Guide to parenting for gay dads

Gay rights charity Stonewall has released a parenting guide for gay dads.
The guide, available on the charity’s website, tells would-be fathers about their rights under the law and also gives information about adoption, surrogacy, sperm donation and co-parenting.
Ben Summerskill, Stonewall chief executive, said: “There’s never been a better time for gay men to start a family in Britain. The law is now on their side. And this comprehensive new guide – the first of its kind specifically aimed at gay men – outlines all options, with handy tips and places to go for further support. We hope it’ll convince some gay men who might have otherwise written off the prospect of raising children to re-consider.”
Recent Cambridge University research for Stonewall demonstrated how children with same-sex parents have the exact same quality of upbringing as other children.
Alice, seven, who was interviewed for the research said: ‘I’ve got two parents who love me. It doesn’t matter if they’re a boy or a girl.
A Guide for Gay Dads is the brother publication to Pregnant Pause, which was released earlier this year and tells lesbians their options in starting a family.