Wanted: A staff writer for PinkNews.co.uk

We have a rare opportunity to join the full time writing team for PinkNews.co.uk, the most read LGBT publication in Europe.
The role of staff writer for PinkNews.co.uk is as varied as our readers and as disparate as the range of stories we cover every day. You might find yourself at a garden party in Downing Street one night and the opening for a new community centre the next. What you’ll learn to expect is to expect the unexpected as stories you write and research make the national news or provoke the wrath of the Twitteratti. What you can expect is access to more news makers and hard hitting interviews than you’ll probably get anywhere else in the UK media scene.
This once in an 18-month or so opportunity will be opening early in the new year and so we’re recruiting for the right candidate now. Previous occupants of the role have gone onto Channel 4 News, The Financial Times and ePolitix and the position serves as the perfect stepping stone from regional or student journalism to the nationals.
The ideal candidate will have some journalistic training, preferably including legal and compliance issues together with an excellent eye for a story and a self reliant, autonomous approach to reporting.
Pay is dependent on experience and qualifications and will be at local/ regional newspaper level.
To apply for this position, please send a covering letter, CV and a sample news story in PinkNews.co.uk style to [email protected]. We are also recruiting for freelance writers/ cover editors to join our freelance team, please indicate if you wish to be considered for these openings too in your covering letter.