Teenage girls ‘kicked gay man as he lay unconscious’

Two teenage girls taunted a gay man and then kicked him as he lay unconscious, a court has heard.
Ruby Thomas and Rachel Burke are accusing of stamping and kicking Ian Baynham, a 63-year-old civil servant who died 18 days after he was knocked to the floor last September in Trafalgar Square.
A jury at the Old Bailey heard today that Mr Baynham, who had been out in London celebrating a new job, was punched by 20-year-old Joel Alexander and fractured his skull as he fell to the ground.
Ms Thomas, 18, and Mr Alexander, both from south-east London, deny manslaughter and affray.
Ms Burke was not present at court today and the jury was told not to speculate on reasons for her absence.
Prosecutor Brian Altman QC told the court that Mr Baynham was attacked on September 25th last year as he walked through Trafalgar Square with a male friend.
He said that Ms Thomas and Ms Burke began shouting homophobic abuse at the pair and became involved in an altercation with Mr Baynham.
Ms Thomas is said to have slapped Mr Baynham, who hit her back. He was then knocked to the floor by a punch from Mr Alexander, the court heard.
The BBC reports Mr Altman said: “The story of this case is the all-too-familiar story of drunkenness and loutish behaviour, though these defendants went far beyond anti-social behaviour.
“They [Ms Thomas and Ms Burke] put the boot into Mr Baynham who was clearly flat out on his back, unconscious and completely distressed.”
He added: “Shocked onlookers saw repeated stamps on Mr Baynham as well as forceful kicks.”
The trial continues.
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