What do you think of our new look?

PinkNews.co.uk has had a facelift and we want to know what our readers think.
At the grand old age of five, it was time for a change.
We think the new design, by Felix Renicks, is faster and more stylish than the old site and is a better showcase for our content and reputation.
More functions will be added to the site in the coming week so please bear with us as we iron out bugs and test new features.
Benjamin Cohen, founder and publisher of PinkNews.co.uk, said: “I’m delighted that the new design, coming just a few months after PinkNews.co.uk celebrated its fifth birthday, allows us to show off the breadth of our content in a way we haven’t been able to do before.
“It’s actually only our fourth design over our lifetime and has been carefully planned to build in functionality that readers have requested.”
If you spot any bugs or wish to give us any other feedback, please email [email protected]