Daily Mail cartoon ‘depicts gay couple as neo-Nazis’

A Daily Mail cartoon appears to depict a gay couple as neo-Nazis.
Referring to the case this week in which a gay couple sued a pair of Christian hoteliers, yesterday’s Mac cartoon showed two burly men holding hands in front of a hotel check-in desk, which has a sign saying “Christian hotel”.
The cartoon couple have shaved heads, heavy boots and arms covered in tattoos. The man on the left has a swastika tattooed on his right arm.
Underneath, a line says: “Isn’t that romantic, George, dear? Mr and Mr Smith would like the bridal suite.”
Jewish Chronicle writer Jennifer Lipman commented: “I don’t really get where the cartoonist was going with it, but it’s unnecessary, offensive to both gay and Jewish people in my view – and it’s not the sort of thing I expect to see on the pages of a national newspaper in 2011.”
PinkNews.co.uk has asked the Daily Mail for comment.