Google removes ‘Is my son gay?’ app

An Android app which claims to be able to tell anxious mothers whether their sons are gay has been pulled from Google’s online store.
The French and English-language app asks 20 stereotypical questions, such as ‘Does your son like to dress well?’ and ‘Does he like musicals?’
Another question asks users whether they hoped for a daughter before their son was born.
Those who are told their child is probably gay are urged to “accept it”, while those with apparently heterosexual sons are told to look forward to grandchildren.
An petition called for the product to be dropped while Andre Banks, founder of the petition website, called the app “outrageous” and accused it of promoting homophobia.
The app’s creator is Christophe de Baran, who is said to be openly gay.
The product’s developers, Enneme Moi, told the Huffington Post that the app was supposed to be light-hearted.