US politician Sally Kern ‘fears for life’ after saying homosexuality killed has more Americans than terrorists

Oklahoma Republican Sally Kern says she fears gay rights campaigners may kill her over her homophobic views.
The politician, who claims that homosexuality has killed more people in the US than terrorism, said she has felt “physical fear” when gay people send her angry emails.
Appearing on the conservative religious radio show WallBuilders Live, she told hosts David Barton and Rick Green that “fear gripped my whole body” in 2008 when gay people complained about a leaked audio recording of her comparing gays to terrorists and telling fellow Republicans the “homosexual agenda is destroying this nation”.
Mrs Kern, who recently repeated her views, said she and her husband “asked ourselves the question, are we willing to even lose our lives over this?”.
According to, she said: “Honestly, fear gripped my whole body, because I was very aware of the homosexual lobbyists and the power that they have. And people say, ‘oh you’re so brave, so heroic,’ but I’m not, I’m just a sinner saved by grace and I was gripped with fear that day. I just said, ‘Lord, what have I done?’
The representative added that she and her husband felt “liberated” when they discussed the possibility of dying for their cause.
She is currently promoting a book, ‘The Stoning of Sally Kern’.
Speaking last month to Peter LaBarbera of anti-gay campaign group Americans for Truth, Mrs Kern said: “You know if you just look at it in practical terms, which has destroyed and ended the life of more people? Terrorism attack here in America or HIV/AIDS?
“In the last 20 years, 15 to 20 years, we’ve had maybe three terrorist attacks on our soil with a little over 5,000 people regrettably losing their lives. In the same time frame, there have been hundreds of thousands who have died because of having AIDS. So which one’s the biggest threat?
“And you know, every day our young people, adults too, but especially our young people, are bombarded at school, in movies, in music, on TV, in the mall, in magazines, they’re bombarded with ‘homosexuality is normal and natural.’ It’s something they have to deal with every day. Fortunately we don’t have to deal with a terrorist attack every day, and that’s what I mean.
She added: “It’s [homosexuality] more dangerous [than terrorism], and yes I think that it’s also more dangerous because it will tear down the moral fibre of this nation.”