Google seeks to improve benefits for trans employees

Internet giant Google Inc has confirmed that its US transgendered staff will now be able to access improved corporate healthcare.
Updated benefits, announced internally by company officials cover gender transitioning procedures and treatments in accordance with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s (WPATH) Standards of Care.
Google spokesman Jordan Newman told The Advocate that: “As the WPATH Standards of Care are considered the highest standards of care for transgender individuals, we agreed to cover the full range of procedures under WPATH”.
The company has also doubled the maximum dollar amount for transgender health care benefits from $35,000 to $75,000.
Last year, Google executives announced they would start paying gay and lesbian workers at a higher rate, in order to compensate them from unequal tax laws.
Federal laws that do not recognise gay relationships mean same-sex couples must pay an additional tax when their partners receive domestic healthcare benefits.
Yolanda Mangolini, Director of Global Diversity & Inclusion and Talent & Outreach Programs at Google Inc, spoke of her gratitude at receiving the award and said it was an “honour”.