Video: Anti-homophobic bullying single an overnight hit

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A charity single raising money to tackle homophobic and transphobic bullying has become a sensation over the weekend.

The L Project’s dĆ©but It Does Get Better aims to raise as much money as possible to help combat anti-gay and trans bullying using the most talented lesbian UK performers.

The song has hit number 2 on the iTunes UK Rock Album chart having held the top spot overnight.

It also made number 1 in Amazon UK’s Best Sellers Rock and Folk Charts and has drawn nearly 44,000 views on Youtube since its release on Saturday.

Proceeds will go to Stonewall and Diversity Role Models.

Georgey Payne, who created the L Project said: “If I jumped back now to age 13 and had heard a song like this, knowing I was gay, but had remained silent, I would have felt so happy, and realised it’s not just me, and that I actually had a life waiting for me where I belong.”

Suran Dickson, CEO of Diversity Role Models told “We are delighted to be part of the L Project’s charity single. Georgey Payne, Sofia Antonia Milone and their team of artists have put an immense amount of time and passion into the delivery of this incredibly moving song, all to enable us and Stonewall to deliver on the promise that ‘It Does Get Better’.

“As a fledgling charity, fundraising efforts such as these really help us to fulfil the high demand from schools for our role model workshops, so we couldn’t be more pleased with the response from the LGBT community over the weekend.”

The song can be bought at Amazon and iTunes, where it is available for download.