Video: Proud Mary spoof aims to set Margaret Court straight

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Former tennis champion Margaret Court came in for a lot of backlash after her comments on homosexuality around the time of January’s Australian Open.

While it’s been some time since her last controversial statement on being gay, a new effort by Scott Dawkins and Sheona Urquhar of Melbourne’s ‘TV Live on Stage’ sending Court up through the magic of Tina Turner’s Proud Mary deserves a mention for its comedic value.

‘Proud Margaret’ is an unrelenting look at 69-year-old Court’s stance on homosexuality and selective reading of the scriptures through the lens of a Creedence Clearwater Revival classic.

Believing being gay to be a choice, and saying gays were ā€œaggressively demanding marriage rights that are not theirs to takeā€, Court wrote in January: ā€œLet me be clear. I believe that a personā€™s sexuality is a choice. In the Bible it said that homosexuality is among sins that are works of the flesh.

ā€œIt is not something you are born with. My concern is that we are advocating to young people that it is OK to have these feelings.ā€

Mimicking Tina Turner’s sultry introduction to her cover of Proud Mary, Urquhar begins: “You know, every now and then some old bat comes along stinking of hate and ignorance / But’s there’s just one thing. You see, we never ever put up with hate and ignorance.

“We always value love and logic / Now we’re gonna take the beginning of this song, and do itā€¦ with hateā€¦ / But then we’re gonna do the finishā€¦ with love.”

What follows is a six-minute re-write including a variety of equality-loving couples, a drag queen with more than an impressive resemblance to Tina Turner and lyrics like: “Stopping your morals declinin’ / Proud Margaret’s direct lining’ / To the Father, love one another, but not if your bits are matchin’.”

Proud Mary ranked #155 on Rolling Stone’s 2004 list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

The video does come with a caveat by Dawkins and Urquhar: “We mean no disrespect to people of the Christian faith.”