Comment: I hope my Equal Marriage film wakes us all up to support changing the law

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

What do you do when the Government says it wants to change the marriage laws in England and Wales to allow gay couples the same rights as straights to conduct marriage ceremonies?

Those against the Prime Ministerā€™s pledge to allow gay couples to marry will of course go to any lengths to let David Cameron know how they feel, while many who support the idea sit back and do nothing, and why shouldnā€™t they? The Coalition Government has made the commitment to change, so has Ed Miliband, the leader of the Labour Party. However, I would argue that if enough support isnā€™t shown for the consultation then who knows what will happen particularly if MPs and members of the House of Lords who are wavering on how to vote on the issue receive postbags full of letters from people arguing against changing the law.

The apathy within the communities that support the equalisation of civil marriage is the single driving factor for me making the film which as been released today and why hundreds of talented professionals have helped us for free and it’s why together with most of the UKā€™s LGBT media have pledged to distribute it for free. My film is there to make audiences feel something about the issue, because when people feel something they do something about it. Ā They donā€™t sit back. They donā€™t do nothing. They share, they support and they take notice.

The project has brought together a team of professionals from all over the world, from LA, to London to Australia. Through Twitter, a passionate idea has become a reality and the voluntary contributions towards the project have been overwhelming. It just goes to show if you have a good idea, that people feel passionate about, everyone from colourists, to actors, to producers to marketers will help you make it a success. Even my parents, brother and 6 year old sister volunteered as extras on the shoot. It means so much to be for them to appear in the film. Watch the behind the scenes film here.

One day I would like to marry my partner of almost 5 years and the celebration of our commitment should mean no more or less than any other straight couple. I made the film to promote change and also inspire others to use their creativity to support equality and make history happen, not sit back and passively watch it.

The short film shows British forces returning home to greet their loved ones, with the reunion of one soldier and his partner soon turning into a surprise marriage proposal. The film looks to tackle the opposition head on, arguing if all, regardless of sexuality have the right to serve in the British military, risking their lives for our national security, Ā then all should be able celebrate their love and commitment with civil marriage, free from discrimination.

The short film stars James Knight, from Londonā€™s West End (Mamma Mia,) and rising screen-star Lew Smart. Please support the project by sharing it with your friends, hashtag #equalmarriage and sign the Coalition For Equal Marriage petition at and of course tell the Government you support its pledge to marriage equality by completing the Home Officeā€™s consultation.

Follow Mike on Twitter @videographer88 or visit his website for more of his work