Mother banned from being US Cub Scout leader for being a lesbian vows to fight on

Jennifer Tyrrell, a leader of a Cub Scouts pack in Bridgeport, Ohio, who was banned from being a leader due to her sexuality says that she will fight the Boy Scouts of America for its discrimination against gay and lesbian leaders and members.
Last month, the organisation removed her from her role telling her that being a lesbian “did not meet the high standards of conduct set by the Boy Scouts of America.”
Today, Ms Tyrell told ABC News: “We can no longer support an organization that has these policies and we hope to get them changed. That is our main goal.”
But she added that her seven year-old-son Cruz is very sad that he has had to be removed from his Cub pack.”We loved scouting,” she said.
She was removed from her role after the organisation became aware that the mother of four is a lesbian.
In a statement, the Boy Scouts of America told ABC: “Scouting, and the majority of parents it serves, does not believe it is the right forum for children to become aware of the issue of sexual orientation, or engage in discussions about being gay.
“Rather, such complex matters should be discussed with parents, caregivers, or spiritual advisers, at the appropriate time and in the right setting.
“To disagree does not mean to disrespect and we respect everyone’s right to have and express a different opinion. Scouting will continue to teach our members to treat everyone with courtesy and respect.”
The Girl Scouts of America has a non-discrimination policy.
Both the UK Scouts and Guides movement, as required by British law, do not discriminate against volunteers or members due to their sexuality. Indeed the UK Scouts movement is actively recruiting LGBT leaders and members.