Los Angeles artist bids for rainbow crossings during pride month

An artist in LA has launched a last-minute bid to convince the council of West Hollywood to paint its street crossings rainbow colours for gay pride in June.
Martin Duvander said this week he first wrote to the West Hollywood City Council with the idea in April.
On Tuesday, he received an enthusiastic response from two councillors who said they “loved” the idea of painting the white street crossings in rainbow colours for the month of June.
The motion would be voted on by the city council on Monday 4 June, they wrote, giving Mr Duvander a few days to raise public support, adding that the painting could take place by the end of next week if approved.
The painter said: “The idea was simple; I see those white crosswalk as an empty canvas and saw an opportunity; paint them and make a statement!”
With six days to raise local support, Mr Duvander said he would count new subscriptions to the newsletter on his website as signatures on a petition to present to the council on Monday and had set up a crowd-funding page for the painting, though Mr Duvander advises money donated through the latter may not be returnable if the motion fails.
He also encouraged people to come to the council meeting at the West Hollywood Library located on San Vicente Boulevard at 6.30pm on Monday to voice support for the rainbow crossings.