Sarah Palin backs Chick-fil-A

Former Republican Governor of Alaska and television personality Sarah Palin has showed her support for the Chick-Fil-A fast food chain following negative reaction to its stance on gay equality.
Palin dropped in to an outlet in The Woodlands, Texas with her husband Todd and posed for a photo with their food.
Numerous politicians have spoken out against Chick-Fil-A since its chief operating officer, Dan Cathy, said the chain was “guilty as charged” on opposition to equal marriage rights.
New York City council speaker Christine Quinn has said she does not want the chain operating in New York, the mayor of Boston said they should reconsider plans to expand in the Massachusetts city, and a Chicago alderman had said he will block permits for the restaurant.
The chicken chain has given millions of dollars to groups including the Family Research Council, Exodus International and Focus on the Family.
However, more than 260,000 people have ‘liked’ Sarah Palin’s photo on Facebook, which came with the caption “Stopped by Chick-fil-A in The Woodlands to support a great business.”
The company’s chief spokesman, Don Perry, died unexpectedly on Friday of last week, reportedly of a heart attack.
A week earlier, he had issued a statement saying the company would from then on “leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena”.