Matrix Director, Lana Wachowski speaks out about her transition

One half of the ‘Wachowski siblings’ has spoken out about the difficulties of transitioning, her gender reassingment surgery, and about getting over those difficulties.
In an interview with the New Yorker, Lana Wachowski, spoke about her difficulty in transitioning:
“For years, I couldn’t even say the words ‘transgendered’ or ‘transexual’. When I began to admit it to myself, I knew that I would eventually have to tell my parents, and my brother and my sisters. The fact would inject such terror in me that I would not sleep for days.”
She did say that she found contentment in herself and her sexuality, however, saying:
“I chose to change my exterior to bring it closer into alignment with my interior,”
“My biggest fears were all about losing my family. Once they accepted me, everything else has been a piece of cake.”
Lana did say she was determined to keep some information about her transition private: “I know that many people are dying to know if I have a surgically constructed vagina or not, but I prefer to keep this information between my wife and me.”