Singer’s mum: Thin Lizzy would have opposed “anti-gay” GOP using their song
The mother of Thin Lizzy singer, Philip Lynott, would have been strongly against the Republicans using his music during their national convention because of the party’s stance on equal marriage.
Paul Ryan, the GOP’s vice-Presidential candidate, walked out at the RNC to ‘The Boys are Back in Town’, but Philomena Lynott said in an interview that her son, who died in 1986, would have rejected any association between the political party and the band’s music.
“As far as I am concerned, Mitt Romney’s opposition to gay marriage and to civil unions for gays makes him anti-gay – which is not something that Philip would have supported,” Philomena Lynott, 81, told Hot Press.
“He had some wonderful gay friends, as indeed I do, and they deserve equal treatment in every respect, whether in Ireland or the United States.”
“I do want to be clear that I would not want Philip’s music to be used in any way that could hurt a single person, and this is the effect of what happened with Paul Ryan using and abusing my son’s music in that way. A lot of fans and musicians are very angry about it and I can fully understand why.”
Ms Lynott went on to discuss other Republican Party policies she believes her son would have been opposed to, but said that he would have been extremely proud that the US has a black President.