Brad Pitt rallies around Obama and says equal marriage is ‘inevitable’

It seems that politics and marriage rights for same-sex couples are continuing to divide the Pitt household.
Her views are at odds with those of her Hollywood superstar son, who has been an outspoken advocate for marriage equality, along with partner Angelina Jolie.
Speaking to the Telegraph, Brad said he would once again support Mr Obama in this autumn’s presidential election, saying: “I am an Obama supporter and I’m backing his election campaign,” before adding: “Gay marriage is inevitable. The next generation, they get it. It is just a matter of time before it becomes a reality.”
The star of Ocean’s Eleven said in 2006 said that he would not marry Angelina Jolie until America allowed same-sex unions; however Pitt and Jolie announced their engagement in April of this year.
In January, Pitt told the Hollywood Reporter that he did not know whether they would be able to go the distance on the promise.
He told the magazine: “We’d actually like to, and it seems to mean more and more to our kids. We made this declaration some time ago that we weren’t going to do it till everyone can. But I don’t think we’ll be able to hold out.
“It means so much to my kids, and they ask a lot. And it means something to me, too, to make that kind of commitment.”