Video: Expedia advert shows a man’s acceptance of his gay daughter
Travel company, Expedia, has launched a new promotional video in which an elderly father travels across the US to attend his lesbian daughter’s wedding.
In the video, part of a campaign called ‘Find Yours’, the man expresses that he felt nervous to travel to the wedding, but it demonstrates that he overcame his negative feelings, and ends with the strap-line “Find your understanding”.
The man narrating the video, about his daughter Jill, and her new wife, Nicki, says:
“You always have great expectations for your children. My expectations of what Jill’s life was going to be included a husband.
“So when Nicki came to ask permission to marry our little girl, that startled me. I told her,  this is not the dream I had for my daughter.
“Coming out to the wedding from back East, I had some real apprehensions about it. What’s this going to look like, two girls getting married?
“You have to make a decision. Are you going to have a daughter that you’re going to maintain a very wonderful relationship with for the rest of your life, or are you going to lose that child?”